You do not have to hide your smile! You don’t have to keep feeling embarrassed by how your teeth look–help is available for discolored teeth. There are various options that can help you whiten your teeth. You can see your dentist for help or whiten your teeth at home with one of several over-the-counter teeth whitening products. Once your teeth are as white as they should be, you’ll be proud to show off your smile.
To keep your teeth looking as bright as possible, you will want to cut back on cigarettes, red wine, coffee, etc. If you can’t give up your coffee and other drinks known to cause staining, you may want to consider drinking them through a straw, so these beverages don’t come in contact with your teeth.
Rinse out your mouth with one percent hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide strips are expensive to buy and harsh on your teeth. Keep the peroxide in your mouth for at least a minute and make sure you do not swallow an excessive amount of the solution. Follow up by brushing your teeth.
Many people say that using orange and lemon peels on your teeth can help bring them back to their original pearly white state. Take the orange or lemon peel and rub the back part of it on your teeth. Adding a little salt also helps when you are using this technique.
Try to avoid water with fluoride added in or toothpaste that incorporates fluoride. Recent reports have shown that fluoride can stain and discolor teeth. If you only have access to water in your home with fluoride added to it, either look for a filter or consider drinking your water from bottles as long as it is without fluoride as well.
Make regular appointments to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist. You need to schedule these appointments at least once a year. The discoloration on your teeth may not be caused by actual staining but simply by plaque build-up, which is difficult to remove without the professional tools your dentist has.
The first step in obtaining the pearliest whites you can imagine is simply to brush your teeth every day, two times per day. It may seem obvious, but many people put all of their faith in tooth whitening products when simply brushing your teeth often is usually the first and best course of action.
Ask your dentist about the different teeth whitening options available to you. Some dentists may recommend a procedure that they provide in their office. Some may refer you to a certain product that you can find at your local pharmacy. Some may simply suggest that you brush your teeth more often.
Before beginning any kind of a teeth whitening program, be sure to visit your dentist and have a thorough cleaning and check up. This could actually be all that you need for a nice, white smile. It will also allow your dentist to check your gums because these whitening treatments should not be used when the gums are inflamed.
Try to rinse immediately after you finish a meal to dispose of food particles and bacteria. This will help keep residue from staining your teeth. This is an excellent way to prevent staining or other discolorations on your teeth.
Avoid using any mouthwashes. They contain chemicals like alcohol that can be harmful for your teeth and your body. They can cause staining and make your teeth easier to stain. Rinse your mouth out with hydrogen peroxide if you want to rinse. You can also use water to rinse with.
Stay away from teeth staining drinks if you wish to keep your teeth looking white. For example, cola, coffee and black tea are all culprits. If you want to avoid staining as you drink these, sip on water alternately throughout enjoying your beverage.
In order to get white teeth a good habit that you can do is to choose to eat food that naturally whitens teeth. Examples of these are raw fruits and vegetables that scrub your teeth while you eat them. These foods include carrots, strawberries, apples, celery, pineapples, oranges and pears.
Eat more strawberries. Strawberries are great for whitening your teeth. You can ever go so far as to mash them up into a paste. You can use this paste to whiten your teeth. Apply the paste to your teeth and leave it there for about five minutes before rinsing out your mouth.
Eat crunchy vegetables like apples and celery to help remove surface stains on your teeth. Think of them as like a loofah for your smile. They exfoliate the teeth before the stains can get deeply attached to the surface of your teeth. Fibrous foods like spinach, lettuce and broccoli will also work.
Avoid using toothpaste and drinking water that has been treated with fluoride. Although the United States still allows it, many other countries have actually banned treating drinking water with fluoride due to the unknown potential hazards it can cause. Recent studies have shown that fluoride can actually discolor or stain your teeth.
If you want to get whiter teeth, eat foods that are filled with fiber. While certain foods are more likely to stain your teeth, foods that are high in fiber, such as carrots, spinach, celery, and broccoli exfoliate your teeth before stain molecules can attach to your teeth and stain them.
For whiter teeth at home, try doing a baking soda brushing once a week. This helps remove stains and it helps whiten your teeth. Brush like you would with toothpaste, but you replace the toothpaste with the baking soda. You can use it as an alternative to toothpaste too. If it irritates gums, try using salt.
A smile should not include yellow or stained teeth when there are so many whitening solutions out there. Solutions available include whitening treatments from the dentist, home whitening kits and various toothpaste options as well. Most of them are cheap and quick.