Looking For A Brighter Smile? Try These Teeth Whitening Tips!

If you have stained, yellow teeth, you might definitely want to consider teeth whitening. It’s a fun and easy way to do something good for yourself, and boost your self confidence. This article contains many useful tips that can help you get great results while saving time and money.

Mix baking soda with a small amount of purified water and brush the mixture over your teeth with a tooth brush. Baking soda has long been recognized for its ability to whiten teeth, which is why it is now added to so many toothpastes. This technique is sure to whiten your smile.

These products will do little more than regular toothpaste for whitening your teeth. Ask your dentist if he or she sees better results with a particular brand of toothpaste.

Sip water when drinking sodas, dark wines, tea, or coffee. These drinks will stain your teeth when consumed every day. Allowing water sips simultaneous to your beverage consumption rinses your mouth of stain-building residues, before they set-in. It is also a good idea to brush your teeth immediately after drinking these beverages.

Be careful with excessive whitening of your teeth. If you have repeatedly whitened your teeth, you may be causing irreparable damage to the teeth. You should avoid using powerful whitening products repeatedly. If you are not receiving the results from the whitening, consult your dentist to find other ways to whiten.

When thinking about whitening your teeth, it is important to keep in mind the color of your natural teeth. Whitening will give you the best results if you have yellow teeth. If your teeth are brownish you will receive medium results. Whitening is least affective on teeth that are gray in color.

It is not a commonly known fact, but strawberries are a great teeth whitener. Strawberries contain a natural acidity that will assist in whitening your teeth with no harsh chemicals. You can either mash them into a paste and brush it on then leave it for five minutes, or you can cut the strawberry in half and rub it on your teeth while you watch TV or read.

Determine why your teeth are discolored before starting any whitening treatment. A trip to your dentist should answer this question. Knowing the cause of your discolored teeth will give you the best treatment options for your specific problems and therefore you will also get the best results too.

Make sure that you brush your teeth and floss daily after every meal. Flossing and brushing prevents the buildup of unwanted plaque which also discolors your teeth. Plaque is something you want to avoid at all costs and carrying floss with you can greatly help. Focusing on your teeth can assist in preventing discoloration and damage, keeping you healthy for the long term.

Rinse your mouth out after drinking coffee or tea. They are both well known for staining teeth. For better results, try to eliminate it from your diet altogether. The same goes for soda and wine; they can stain your teeth just as much, if not more than coffee and tea.

Try natural remedies to whiten your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda have long been known to whiten teeth. These can be used together as a paste to brush your teeth with. You can also swish with a mixture of peroxide and water two or three times daily. This will not only whiten your teeth but will improve the overall state of your oral health.

Drink beverages known to stain teeth with a straw. If beverages you drink are known to stain your teeth and you must have them, then drink them through a straw. This will ensure the drink isn’t in direct contact with your teeth causing stains. This will keep your teeth whiter longer.

Strawberries are a great natural treatment for stained teeth. Strawberries are known for their ability to get teeth whiter. The process is simple. Slice a strawberry in half and rub it against your teeth to whiten them. Alternatively, you can also mash strawberries into a paste-like substance to use as toothpaste. In order to have the best results, leave the juice on for about five minutes.

One of the best ways to get whiter teeth is to drink lots of water. Water not only quenches your thirst, it also rinses your teeth, preventing stains before they occur. It is good to get used to drinking water all day, and especially during and at the end of a meal.

To whiten your teeth on the go, try whitening strips. Available from many manufacturers in all price ranges, they really are one of the handiest ways of whitening your teeth while on the run. Apply the strips and wear while on your commute to work or out running errands with the kids and you’ll have white teeth without a lot of effort.

Invest in a set of teeth whitening trays to get the very best results while bleaching your teeth. Whitening trays are made from impressions of your teeth and are a harder plastic than the standard rubbery trays included in many whitening kits. You can get the trays from your dentist, but better yet, there are many reputable manufacturers of the trays online that are willing to send you the materials and guide you through the process of taking impressions of your own teeth at home. Simply return the impressions for a set of custom trays. Trays very effectively keep the whitening product in place, and save on the amount of product needed to do the job.

As was mentioned before in the article, whitening your teeth can do wonders for your self confidence. Without an embarrassing smile, you’ll be able to laugh more and socially enjoy life. Apply these simple and easy tips to get rid of your old, nasty teeth, and replace them with a gorgeous smile.